
CCProxy 8.0.20250207 Web proxy server for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

CCProxy Abstract:

CCProxy enables all computers on the LAN access Internet through one single Internet connection. It is a shareware proxy serving application that's powerful and easy to setup.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Share a single connection to the Internet with all the computers on a single LAN network - Screenshot of CCProxy
Share a single connection to the Internet with all the computers on a single LAN network.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1526px · 1027px
Versatile utility that offers a powerful set of features - Screenshot of CCProxy
Versatile utility that offers a powerful set of features.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1130px · 1053px
Apply Internet access restrictions to specific groups of users - Screenshot of CCProxy
Apply Internet access restrictions to specific groups of users.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1085px · 953px
Great tool for business environments - Screenshot of CCProxy
Great tool for business environments.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1085px · 953px
Use and manage your own proxy server to change IPs - Screenshot of CCProxy
Use and manage your own proxy server to change IPs.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1085px · 953px
Easily Share Internet with Everyone - Screenshot of CCProxy
Easily Share Internet with Everyone.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1085px · 953px
Easy-to-use yet powerful - Screenshot of CCProxy
Easy-to-use yet powerful.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1508px · 1073px
Support various connections - Screenshot of CCProxy
Support various connections.
Screenshot of CCProxy - 1183px · 1530px